If you’d like your Vestor site to point to a custom domain, i.e. YourSite.com, you’ll need to modify your “A” record in your domain registrar’s settings (i.e. GoDaddy).
To get started, login to your Vestor Site Dashboard. Login using your email or username and password. In the upper lefthand corner you’ll see “My Sites” and you will select your site’s name and then “Dashboard.”

After logging into your Vestor Site’s Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Domain Mapping.

Copy the IP address in the blue box that says ” If you want to redirect a domain you will need to add a DNS “A” record pointing at the IP address of this server: {IP address}“.

Then, Login to your Domain Registrar (such as GoDaddy). Paste the IP address in the “A” record in your DNS Settings.
Then, back in Vestor settings, paste the domain name URL and click Map domain.